The Symbols Of Budhanilkantha Temples In Nepal

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Vishnu Temples in Nepal

Budhanilkantha Temple
Budhanilkantha, also known as the Narayanthan Temple is located at the base of Shivpuri Hill and is one of the most important temple worshipped by Hindus. 5 meters long sleeping statue of Hindu god Vishnu lies in a reclining position inside a recessed tank of water representing a cosmic sea of almost 13 meters long. The statue depicts the deity reclining on the twisting coils of the cosmic serpent Shesha (multi headed king of the serpent deities known as Nagas) who is considered as servant of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu’s legs are corssed and the eleven heads of Shesha cradle his head. The four hands hold objects of Lord Vishnu are symbols of his divine qualities; a chakra or disc that represent the mind, a conch shell that represents four elements, a lotus flower as moving universe and the club as primal knowledge.
The literal meaning of Budhanilkantha is “old blue throat” and it is believed that the water in the Sleeping Lord’s tank originated from Gosaikunda. The local legend uphold a faith that a mirror like statue of Lord Shiva lies on the statue’s underside.
Changu Narayan Temple
Changu Narayan, also a living museum of carvings from 4th century is one of the oldest temple of Lord Vishnu built by the Licchavians located at the hill top of Bhaktapur. The present architect is beautified by various …show more content…

The volume and current of water flowing from the spring was so great that it was impossible for the priest to cross over and to his rescue, a pair of Nagas came and stretched themselves across the water to form a bridge. Each year, locals throw poles into the pond in tribute to that noble serpent couple and the trees that are forked at the base (symbolizing union of the husband and wife) are used for the

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