The Subconscious Mind: The Power Of Conscious Mind

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Why is one man sad and another man happy? Why is one man fearful and anxious and another full of faith and confidence? Why is one man a great success and other an abject failure? Why is one man healed of so called disease and another isn’t? The answer lies in power of Subconscious Mind. Most of what we do every minute of every day is unconscious. Life would be chaos if everything were on the forefront of our consciousness. Mind could be divided into three systems: 1) Conscious Mind – Conscious mind is the objective or the thinking mind. It has no memory, and it can only hold one thought at a time. Your conscious mind functions very much like a binary computer, performing two functions: It accepts or rejects data in making choices and …show more content…

Positive self talk and daily positive affirmations can change the brain's structure and ultimately influence the subconscious mind. Following steps can be taken to unleash your mind's power using the power of your thoughts: • Be aware of your thinking and behavioral patterns – In order to make the necessary changes, it’s important that you have sufficient knowledge about yourself and how you think or react to certain situations or people. Positive people focuses on living a life with clear purpose, engage in healthy relations and have high self confidence. • Stop nurturing negative emotions, thoughts, and beliefs – A good way to avoid nurturing negative thoughts is to stop comparing yourself with others. We should avoid situations that will trigger our temper and try to get rid of the negative thoughts by replacing them with positive thinking and positive thoughts. • Create a positive environment – It is not possible to control the world. But, we can certainly control our own world. We should try to create an environment that will attract positivity into our life. Limiting interactions with negative people, like the worrywarts, the whiners, the haters, and so would be helpful. We can grow more as a person if we hang-out with people who are mature and positive

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