The Story of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt

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The 19th century was a time of prosperity and adversity; there was a great deal of accomplishments in the 1800s, such as steamboats being introduced as a new technology and creation of railroads. Despite the growth during this period, it contained innumerable hardships; the introductions of new technologies continued, ultimately leading to increased competition. Competition played an enormous part in the success and downfall of many people during the 19th century, such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, who thrived in competition. Vanderbilt was not born with the skills and abilities to succeed in a field where many fell, he learned from the people he worked under and the conflicts he encountered during his apprenticeships. Those quarrels taught him the skills necessary to be the best in the steamboat trade as well as the railroad industry later in his life. Vanderbilt’s wealth was greatly associated with competing for business with individuals and companies. Cornelius Vanderbilt was truly one of a kind; he dominated many companies and people. It ultimately brought him to the pinnacle ...

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