The Stonewall Riots

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In 1969, when it was a criminal offense to be gay and you couldn’t wear more than three articles of the opposite sex’s clothing, in New York, a police raid took place at a local gay bar. Before The Stonewall Riots, The Stonewall Inn was just a bar. It was owned by a man named Fat Tony, who converted Stonewall from a restaurant to a bar after a fire ruined the structure. Chuck Shaheen and Maddy Iannello were also key members in Stonewall Inns’ success. The Stonewall Riots erupted in the summer of 1969 when the LGBT community fought back for their rights. Lasting 6 days, the homosexual customers of the Stonewall Inn resisted the police attempt to remove them sparking violence and nationwide talk for months. The talk spread awareness which allowed

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