The Sporties: Gender Stereotypes

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The sporties
The Sporties. The Sporties is a sitcom that focuses on the Australian love of sports and cheeky behaviour. It is set around the time of the Rugby State of Origin and follows a group of supporters on each side. It will be set in multiple location, such as the football field, pub and the characters homes.
The sitcom will portray some modern Australian stereotypes instead of that old white crocodile Dundee stereotype. It will include a multicultural cast include the hard-working man, the high school dropout and their families. It will also demonstrate that Australians love for sport is passed down from generation to generation.
The audience will relate to the situations the characters must face. For example, traffic jams, …show more content…

Ned is your typical high school dropout who thinks he’s fine without anyone’s help. This can be seen in his personality, he is a stubborn, egotistic, beer loving Australian that always argues a point, despite him not actually knowing why he is standing for that point.
Rodney is another main character in the show. He is the father of Axe, another main character. Rodney is an easy-going man and doesn’t let anyone get to him, but he is not the kind of person that will let anyone push him around. Rodney embodies the Australian ethos of mateship as he is friends with everyone. Rodney is old and is starting to show signs of dementia, which leads to memory loss and many comical situations.
Ned might not be the most liked character in the show, but he should be one of the most relatable characters. Everyone should recognise that at least once in their life their pride has made them argue a point, even after they know they are wrong and they don’t remember why the point was important. The audience will especially like Rodney because everyone has that one friend or relative that is really kind and will be there for …show more content…

Ned works as a tradie, he is a man’s man. He is that classic all brawn and no brain hard working Australian. Rodney demonstrates Australian life by having this family bond with Axe and that feeling of kindness and mateship that is the fabric of the country. Both men will show that typical Australian love of watching, discussing and arguing about sports.
Ned’s character could be played by Liam Hemsworth. He would be a good choice as he fits the mid-twenties age profile and muscular appearance will help to fit the tradie image. He would mostly be wearing up to date trendy clothes or something that covers him like a hood. When at work he would wear a tool

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