The Source Of Saint Paul, Epistle To The Romans

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Today, there are many kinds of outlooks when it comes to Christianity and its core beliefs. Some of those beliefs lasted throughout history while others fizzled out. Nevertheless, before those beliefs became a core part of the religion, we always began with the historical origin that leads us to where we are today. Looking at the source for Saint Paul, Epistle to The Romans, you start learning one of many historical origins that discuss the start of The New Testament and why Paul became someone ranked as high as Jesus Himself.

During 3 BCE – 64/67 CE (the proper timeframe is unknown), Roman Citizen, Saint Paul who is from Tarsus in Asia Minor, became known as “The Second Founder of Christianity” due to his work alongside Jesus. He is also known for his epistles; letter type writings that were written about God and the journeys he witnessed while being one of Jesus’ apostles. Those letters soon became a part of Jesus’ full story, The Bible, within The New Testament. His reasoning for his work with God as well as his writings were to inform Christians and commoners alike to either continue on the path of righteousness or to convert to Christianity by giving them a comprehensive version of God’s message to appeal to everyone involved. …show more content…

Paul’s message include the concept of all being equal in the Lord's eyes, expressing how “There is neither Jew nor Greek…there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” - giving past and modern day Christians the belief that whomever you are, the Lord loves you. The concept of the ten commandments came so during Paul's message within the primary source. “The commandments,” Paul began, “you shall not steal, you shall not cover..” and the list of rules/laws was listed that the Lord for the intention of his followers to abide by to live the most sanctified life under his

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