The Socialization Of Gender And Gender Identity In Society

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How do we define gender? Gender identity is a person's private sense and subjective experience of their own gender. All societies have gender categories usually falling under male or female. Gender identity is usually formed by age three and is extremely difficult to change after that. Gender identity is formed as society teaches you how your gender should act or look. Before a child is born their gender is socialized. When the doctors tells you if you are carrying a boy or girl it all starts. For girls you smother them in pink! Pink clothes, pick room, pink everything. For boys they get blue thrown at them. Who is to say they would even like those colors. These colors are used to help the child be identified by others. Blue and pink distinguish the child putting them either in the category male or female. Everything in the baby’s life is distinguished upon by they binary view of male or female. The baby girl’s nursery usually consist of flowers or princesses. The baby boy’s room is usually sports or animals themed. I conducted an experiment to test the sociological claim that gender is largely learned through socialization. I conducted my …show more content…

Their character where not real life things like girls have. They have ninja turtles, transformers, super hero, and animals like dinosaurs. All of their building sets had to do with those same themes. They also had toy cars and rote control cars. As I observed the type of bike and electric cars they had I could not help ut notice how these cars were more “manly,” such as trucks, dark color Benz, and even dirt bikes. As the baby girls have pretend play with nursery items the boys had lawn movers, handy work sets and tool boxes. This gives off the idea that a man is supposed to do fixing and outdoor work. The cookware they had for boys were aprons with boy action figures and characters on it and they had grill

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