The Social, Economic, Legal and Moral Effects of ICT

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Social, Economic, Legal and

Moral Effects of ICT

As IT is used so commonly throughout the world now there have been

many arguments over whether its presence has been helpful or

unhelpful. These arguments can be divided into four main categories:

Social effects; Moral effects; Economic effects; and Legal effects.

The Social effects.

There are many arguments regarding what effect IT has had upon modern

day society. It is often said that IT has made children more violent,

moody, irresponsible, and in some cases even made them less


It is the view of many adults that children (especially teenagers)

should not be allowed to se the computers at all as they are not

learning skills that will be vital to them in later life, like how to

properly communicate with someone, how to manage finances, how to get

a job, how to run ones life in general.

However the parents of the children who let their children go on the

computers as a way of keeping them quiet are the ones at fault as they

are seeing the computer as a childminder, however what they don’t

realise is that their child is being exposed to a dangerous world on

the internet.

On chat rooms there are often people who would tae advantage of a

child if they had the chance. Also when they use the ‘text’ language

their English is suffering as they most commonly misspell the words

they don’t know in the first place so as a consequence their

vocabulary is being limited to simple easy to spell words.

However the parents of these ‘computer junkies’ often present the

argument that when their child is on the computer they are not on the

streets causing trouble. However it has been proven that often the

source of the teenagers aggression Is the computer so surely removing

the computer will remove a source of violence.

Another argument against the use of IT in modern day society is that

often when children et home the first thing they do is go and turn on

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