The Similarities Between Faerie And Tristman

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As Tristran ventured into Faerie, he was immediately lifted. He found a sense of peacefulness and belonging that he never had in Wall. In Faerie, Tristran was able to feed his adventurous soul by traveling to strange new places and encountering many types of people. His first encounter of a new person was particularly warm. After Tristran falls asleep on the road after being so tired, he awakes to a stranger cooking him breakfast. A “little hairy man” is the cook and Tristran ends up forming a unusual friendship with the man (Gaiman 76). In the aspect of adventure, it is not a legendary one without forming new friendships. Tristran’s new friendship ended up guiding him to bigger and better things. Bigger and better things like strange new …show more content…

Although, Yvaine, the star, and Tristran, the rude half-human boy, are enemies at first, Tristran tries to befriend the star and take her back to Wall (Gaiman 103). Tristran, at this point, is still trying to grow as a person and ends up chaining Yvaine to himself. This is not a high point in Tristran’s process of becoming his true self, but it does show that he wants to be reliable and trustworthy, at least towards Victoria. Yvaine has a broken leg and tells Tristran that she will do everything in her power to keep him from getting to his destination. Despite Yvaine dismissing Tristran, he still makes a splint for her leg and crutches so she can walk (Gaiman 108, 110). Tristran knows that Yvaine is in pain and by helping her by making a splint and crutches for her, he shows some of his true self and the person he wants to be. So far throughout the novel, Yvaine has been the only character to do this. Later on in their adventure together, Yvaine and Tristran come across a lion and a unicorn fighting over a crown. Tristran remembers an old nursery rhyme and gives the lion the crown (Gaiman 115). While the animals were fighting, Tristran realized that he knew a way to help the losing unicorn. In Wall, he would have been laughed at for remembering a nursery rhyme, but in Faerie, he was praised. The unicorn then throughout helped carry Yvaine and Tristran. Tristran eventually trusts Yvaine, wanting to have faith in people, and lets her out of the chain while he goes into a town for food. When he returns, Yvaine and the unicorn are gone (Gaiman 133). Tristran meets up with a lord, pursuing Yvaine to take back to his home as well. Tristran is not aware of this, but helps the stranger in an effort to become a nice man. The two travel together and reach an

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