The Similarities Between 'Cranes And The Sniper'

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There are many ways these two stories are alike, and many ways they are different. "Cranes" and "The sniper" have some things that are the same. They also have ways in which they are different. They are alike because they are both taking place during the civil war. They are different because "Cranes" is more of a happier story, with a happier theme, "the Sniper" Is a bit of a sadder story, with a more serious theme. In "The Sniper", there is a republican sniper taking enemy fire from another sniper. The republican sniper doesnt speak while he is being shot at, he thinks and tries to survive. He is a sniper in the civil war. The republican sniper was able to make the enemy sniper think that he was dead. That is when the republican sniper was able to use his side arm to kill his enemy. After he killed his enemy he got off the roof-top to see who is enemy was. So he ran over to his dead foe, only to find out it was his own brother. In "Cranes" there is a cop named Songsam. He is a cop during the civil war. One day he was walking around a town, and saw his old friend tied up and being transported somewhere by other cops. Songsam went over to his old friend and told the other cops that he would take him to where he needed to go. So Songsam took his old friend into the woods, where they were walking and talking, Songsam found out that his …show more content…

While these two stories differ, they're both taking place during a civil war. Another way they are alike is that they both have very valuable life lessons that the reader learns from each, the lessons are different, but they are very valuable life lessons. A way these stories differ in a way, is that "The Sniper" is more of a sadder story, with a darker theme to it, along with it does not have any dialog in it either. With "Cranes" there is dialog, a good amount of it, also "Cranes" is more of a happier story, with a brighter theme to

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