The Shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation

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The years following the American Revolution, better known as the Critical Period, were some of the most vulnerable moments in the extensive history of the United States. The Critical Period is infamous for a post-war recession, disorganization and competition of states, as well as a total lack of unity about the nation. The Articles of Confederation, ratified during the onset of this tumultuous period, added new dimension to early Americans’ idea of national government. The Articles formed a loosely united country under a highly restricted federal government. This apparent aversion of strong central government was rooted in the former colonists’ fear of a sequel to their monarchial horror that was England. Some believe that the Articles proved an efficient government for post-Revolution America serving as a successful conclusion to the war. However, while effective in avoiding an executive power, the Articles of Confederation proved ineffective in the successful governing of the United States. By the lack of assistance in solving post-war financial issues, the inability to maintain law and order in events of opposition, along with the disorganization of diplomatic relations exposed the shortcomings and the inadequate nature of the Articles of Confederation.

America’s vulnerability can be attributed to the post-wartime economical situation. Throughout history, it is observed in many countries that war is conducive to a thriving economy as the war efforts create jobs to employ countless citizens. America was no different. Their flourishing economy was later shot down with the installment of the Treaty of Paris. The post-war debt and extreme inflation in the newly formed America were two pressing issues that the Articles of Confede...

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...d better the country’s foreign affairs as a whole.

In conclusion, the Articles of Confederation were a valiant effort at sufficient government, but failed because of their inability to solve peacetime economics, their lack of regulated dominion over citizens that encouraged rebellion, as well as weak system of foreign affairs. The Articles did serve as a segue to the United States Constitution, but there was a reason that the Founding Fathers completely scrapped the Articles to form the government that is familiar today. After finally overcoming the fear of a monarchy, Americans soon agreed that some type of executive government was necessary to unify the states, as long as it had some limitations and “checks and balances.” The Articles of Confederation featured commendable points, but they were unsuccessful in regards to overall efficiency and encouraging unity.

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