The Sense Of Characterism In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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Mama/Mrs. Johnson is the narrator of the story told in the first person. Mama/Mrs. Johnson is an uneducated woman, who tells the story herself. The reader learns what she thinks about her two daughters, and her observations reveal her astute observations about life. She is a central character but not the protagonist. Dee is the Antagonist to her sister Maggie and she brings the conflict and anxiety but is the author hinting at an inner conflict for Dee in the form of trying to discover herself and her cultural identity? Is her visit to her mother and her sudden interest in her family history due to the fervor of black pride sweeping the country or is she still vain and superficial? From the perspective of Mama; Dee is lovely, has gone off …show more content…

Mama’s unique phrases and observations give “Everyday Use” a sense of realism. Alice Walker gives Mama the power to narrate and control the use of language to convey her story and thoughts in her own way. Mama uses her own unique descriptive language to explain butter churning and cheese making (Dee wants to take her mother’s “dasher” and the “churn top”), which adds realism to the story. These items for everyday use demonstrate the self-supporting life on a rural farm family and the endless cycles of labor every family member faces. The story focuses on the disappointment Mama feels in both her daughters and the tension that arises when Dee forces her to make a difficult choice about who gets the quilts, but the tragedy is undercut by Mama’s lively cadences and distinctive narrative style. Mama makes the language her own. For example, she refers to her husband carving benches when the family couldn’t “effort” (instead of “afford”) to buy chairs, and she describes the milk in the churn as “crabber” (soured). Walker uses humor as a way of lightening the story’s grim observations, such as in the subtle comedy provoked by Mama’s reaction to Dee’s and Hakim’s difficult-to-pronounce names. Mama eventually gives up on Hakim-a-barber’s name and secretly addresses him as what she thinks he sounds like: a barber

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