The Lady Or The Tiger Essay

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“The Lady or The Tiger”

“To the Kings Arena” was a phrase often said by the semi-barbaric King who ruled in the very olden time. But this phrase meant a trial, a trial by chance. For anyone who dare break the law in this semi-barbaric kings land would enter the Kings Arena. The accused would step out into the arena and be faced by two identical doors although the choice of which door to open was a very simple one the consequence of choosing the wrong one was severe. Behind one door was a Hungry tiger ready to pounce and behind the other was a lady who the accused was instantly married to. This is a story of how one man made the horrible mistake of falling in love with the king's daughter. The relationship that followed between the two …show more content…

It is awful to see your loved one killed in front of you, but it is worse having them alive but unable to reach, so tantalisingly close but behind locked doors. Having her beloved one die would be very harsh, but she also hates the women behind the door and the thought of the two of them together fills her with rage. Whichever choice the princess goes with she will not be able to see her admirer again, but with one of the choices her lover would be with another. I think her mentality would turn more to if I can't have him than no one can have him. The princess herself is the daughter of the king and is semi-barbaric herself so she may not be as bothered by his death as others might be. She loves this man with all her heart and because of this I think her jealousy for the other girl being with him would be more powerful than the thought of his death. But this is just two of many reasons that the princess would have to choose the …show more content…

Nothing was ever said about her being religious. Religion can be one of the strongest motivators there is. In many religions there was believed to be an afterlife and if the princess were to believe in such a place she may opt to have her significant other killed so they can be together in the afterlife. By going with this option the maiden would take her life afterward to be with him. This could work out they would both be dead therefore he would not be married to another and they could be happy together. Back long ago people were very religious and often willing to die for there religion so I do not believe it is much of a stretch to say she would take her life believing in her religion to be with the one she is so affectionate towards. This is not the first story I have heard having scenarios of forbidden love, but this one left a larger

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