The Second Vatican Council Pope John Xxlll

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The Second Vatican Council, or better known as Vatican II, was the 21st ecumenical council announced by Pope John XXlll on Jan 25, 1959, as a spiritual renewal for the e as an occasion for Christians separated from Rome to join in search for reunion. This shocked Catholics around the world because there hadn’t been an ecumenical council in nearly 100 years.
In October 1958, Italian cardinal Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli was elected pope at the age of 77 and unexpectedly, less than 3 months into office, called for an ecumenical council. After years of formal preparations, the first meetings on October 11, 1962. In these first meeting, the pope advised the council fathers to try to meet the pastoral needs of the church. Those summoned to the council included all catholic bishops and certain other church dignitaries. Many important catholic observers were invited to the council sessions but couldn’t vote. The council revised decrees that grew out of the council …show more content…

After merely summoning and beginning the council, Pope John XXlll died midway through the council on June 3, 1963. The work of the council continued under Pope John’s successor, Paul IV. The council continued to meet each fall until felt they had completed their work on Dec.8, 1965. In total, 16 documents were enacted by the council fathers. Vatican II brought some major changes to the Roman Catholic Church. Most obvious were the changes in the liturgy. The “Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy” established the principle of greater participation by the lay people in the celebration of mass and authorizes significant changes in the texts, forms, and language used in the

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