The Scarlet Ibis Thesis Statement

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Guilty or Not Guilty In James Hurst's short story, The Scarlet Ibis. Can pride be a destructive force is the thesis statement. Brother is guilty of Doodle’s death because he made Doodle work till he could not work no more, and he mistreated Doodle, because he was different. He made Doodle work harder. “I ran as fast as I could, leaving him behind with a wall of rain dividing us. I have this evidence because it show how he had to work harder to keep up with brother. This shows how he is guilty. “Aw come on Doodle, I argued.” “You can do it.” “Do you want to be different from everybody else when you start school.” I have this evidence because it shows how he made Doodle work harder. This also shows how he is guilty. He mistreated Doodle.

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