The Saving Grace Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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The Saving Grace of Odysseus
“Wisdom is not about helping yourself, but about helping others” (Obaid). Pallas Athena embodies this quote perfectly. Throughout the Odyssey, Athena advises and guides Odysseus back to his home, sunny Ithaca. Athena assists Odysseus throughout his journey many times, some of which would be when Athena convinces Zeus to help Odysseus and when Athena advises Odysseus about how to go about killing the suitors in order to reclaim his land.

Athena is the sole reason that Odysseus got off Calypso’s island. “But my heart breaks for Odysseus, that seasoned veteran cursed by fate so long- far from his loved ones... Zeus, have you no care for him in your lofty heart?” (Homer 79). All the other gods seemed perfectly fine with leaving Odysseus stranded on Ogygia because one of the major gods, Poseidon, was furious with Odysseus. However, Athena pitied Odysseus and respected him in some ways. “Athena began, recalling Odysseus to their thoughts... With those words, Zeus turned to his own son Hermes. ‘Announce to the nymph... Odysseus journeys home- the exile must return’” (Homer 153). Through crafty words and woeful tales, Athena convinces Zeus to pardon Odysseus and allow her to guide Odysseus and his son, Telemachus, to a happy ending. …show more content…

This event would not have happened, or at least wouldn’t have turned in Odysseus’s favor, without the help of Athena. “And how I am here once more, to weave a scheme with you” (Homer 296). She was the one who came up with the cunning plan to slay the suitors of Penelope. “First, I will transform you- no one must know you... But you, you make your way to the swineherd first... wait there, sit with him, ask him all he knows. I’m off to Sparta... to call Telemachus home... All plans made, they went their separate ways” (Homer 299). Without her guidance, Odysseus would surely have been killed in his attempt to slay the

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