The Salvation of God is the Cure

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“The salvation of God is the cure: sin is the disease” (Kevan, Ernest F. Salvation. Michigan: Baker, 1963. Print.), when I first saw this quote it really stuck out to me, the statement is true in my opinion. The only way to get rid of a disease is to find the cure. Salvation is what we need to be spiritually whole, that is why we are made new when we accept God into our heart, and we get “saved”. Throughout this paper I will explain what is means to be “saved”, for what we are saved, and through what?
“Salvation is evident in the human response in faith, love, and a certain gallantry to the challenges of the world – discrimination, death, poverty, disease, handicaps. It is the unexpected response, unexplained save through the inspiration of the Spirit of God, the work of God’s grace.”(Bullock, James R. Whatever Became of Salvation? Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1979. Print.) I really like this short statement, it explains how salvation is a way to deal with the evil of the world, by simply recognizing that God is truly the only way to live a fulfill life, with a sense of purpose. But the first question we ask ourselves when we decide to get saved is, how, the correct question we should be asking is “what does it mean to get saved? Too often we describe being saved as “getting” or “having” Jesus Christ as our “personal” Lord and Savior. I am part of that population who thought that “getting” or “having” Jesus Christ as our “personal” Lord and Savior was giving you the authority to say “I am saved” or “I am a believer/ Christian.” But like the saying goes “Actions speak louder than words”, to truly be a believer of Jesus Christ, it is not only accepting Him as your Lord and Savior but to also show His love through you. “Salvation is...

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... our heart, and we get “saved”. Throughout this paper I have explained what is means to be “saved”, for what we are saved, and through what? Though this paper I have gotten a better understanding of what salvation really means and what it is meant for.

Works Cited

Kevan, Ernest F. Salvation. Michigan:
Baker, 1963. Print.

Bullock, James R. Whatever Became of Salvation? Atlanta:
John Knox Press, 1979. Print.

Green, Joel B. Salvation. St. Louis, Mo:
Chalice Press, 2003. Print.

Collins, Kenneth J. The Scripture Way of Salvation: The Heart of John Wesley's Theology. Nashville:
Abingdon Press, 1997. Print.

Stackhouse, John G. What Does It Mean to Be Saved?: Broadening Evangelical Horizons of Salvation.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2002. Print.

Smith, Oswald J. The Salvation of God. London:
Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1984. Print.

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