The Sacred Romance

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Life is filled with memories and experiences that eventually, maybe even without any realization, determine the person an individual becomes. While the majority of people would prefer to be influenced by the positive moments (accomplishments, birthdays, graduations, etc.) the reality of the situation is that most individuals face experiences they would rather forget then accept as a part of their journey through life. Authors Brent Curtis and John Eldridge discuss this understanding in their novel, The Sacred Romance. The message of the arrows is one that many people try to avoid at all cost simply because they do not want to deal with the pain that accompanies each arrow. Throughout life, one of the most constant realizations is pain accompanies
I am not sure who began to become more distant and difficult, but eventually the tension escalated to a point where I did not speak to him for a period of six months. There may have been comments made in passing but nothing related to how a father and daughter should be speaking. I began to believe that it was because he did not truly love me or at least did not want to be around me anymore, which led to a time of darkness in my life. It even affected me enough to cause me to not trust anyone anymore, because of the fear of being hurt. Slowly I began to see how this relationship was affecting others in my life. My mother especially had a hard time dealing with the solitude that I was feeling. One day I decided that enough was enough and I sat down and talked it out with him. Although I still have a hard time talking about this period of my life, my relationship with my father has improved immensely. Improving this relationship has helped me to open myself up to others as well. I still have work to be done in regards to my trust issues, but I am closer than I have been in years. The message I learned during this experience is to not allow anyone to cause me to feel unloved, as well as to always communicate when there is a problem. Besides this arrow, there are more in my life that have also impacted me in various
From childhood, everyone has heard the saying of how life is not fair. For me, I try to remember this in every aspect of life, including relationships. Sometimes it is hard for me to be happy for others if something good is happening in their life, while mine is falling apart. However, by reminding myself that God has a plan for my life that probably will not match up with my own understanding; therefore, no matter what happens I need to trust and believe he will make everything turn out well. This can also be applied to if someone lying or betraying me. I try very hard to see the best in everyone and by realizing that God is working in everyone is some way helps me see that this understanding is

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