Exploring the Impact of SATs on Educational Equality

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Presumably, the most widely known of these measures has been the Scholastic Aptitude Test (now the SAT Reasoning Test, or SAT). Developed by the Educational Testing Service after World War II, the test in many ways was the big idea of James Bryant Conant. Adhering to democratic, classless society, Conant thought that such tests could identify the ability of individuals and ultimately help to equalize educational opportunities (Frontline, 1999). Unfortunately, many have argued that instead of fostering equality, the SATs have become an instrument to separate the social classes, and many in the testing movement were not as magnanimous as James Bryant Conant.
The two most common aptitude tests administered for high school students are the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and American College Testing (ACT), devised to assess a student’s potential for success and readiness in college. However, experience is still regarded as important; school-related learning, particularly in language and mathematics, is a prerequisite for success on the tests. Because aptitude tests are regarded as reliable, they eliminate teacher bias and differences in teachers’ grading practices, thus, adding valuable information in predicting future college success. There is no widely accepted definition of “aptitude” and “ability,” and the terms are often used …show more content…

Achievement tests are retrospective in their purpose. That is, they are designed to evaluate development in knowledge and skills obtained in the relatively recent past (Murphy & Davidshofer,

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