The Romantic Period: Beauty, Emotion, And Repence In William Blake's Poetry

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The Romantic period was a period where people focused on how they felt and their emotions. Many romantic poets talk about the beauty of art and innocence. They discuss the role of the poet, their change to adulthood, and to enjoy their lives while they can.
The romantic period is about beauty, emotion and imagination. What the poets and artist saw was that the world in its current state was monotonous. Everything was to orderly and that it was almost like a cage for the imagination. With romantic artist and poets they would draw and write about how they felt or be imaginative.
The transition to the Romantic period usually starts with William Blake. He impacted people with his poetry because in his poetry he writes about the christianity and what happens as we age. Blake impacted his time with these topics because he enlightened people with it by opening their eyes to whole new views. An example is the Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Here Blake writes about how their both intertwine. In this poem he speaks as the devil and explains that we should not neglect the flesh and repress it. That the soul isn’t as important as the flesh. Because of this Blake was disliked greatly by the church because of …show more content…

This albatross as stated earlier is seen and interpreted different ways one is that him killing the albatross was showing man 's brutality. That man hates nature and does not understand god. The killing of the albatross was him not understanding god’s work. That killing albatross leads him threw a holy journey and that in the end he finds god. Another view was that the albatross was bringing in good wind but when it stopped it was the albatross fault. What it 's trying to say is that we can find reason to blame or explain why thing happen. Because albatross was there with the wind whatever happens to wind is the albatross fault. It 's basically saying that man finds things to blame for when things don’t go their

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