The Role of the Frontal Lobes

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The Role of the Frontal Lobes Table of Contents

1 Introduction_ 3

2 The Structure and Functional Anatomy of the Frontal Lobes 3

2.1 Figure 1. A diagrammatic representation of the brain_ 5

3 Luria’s Model of Brain Function_ 5

4 The Complex Function of Frontal Lobes 6

5 No Longer En-Gage-ing; What Happens When The Frontal Lobes Go Wrong?_


5.1 The Frontal Lobes and Personality 7

5.2 The Frontal Lobes and Executive Function / Drive 8

5.2.1 Theories of frontal lobe function_ 9 Working memory_ 9 Controlled vs Automatic processes 9 Use of Scripts 9 Guidance of Behaviour Towards a Goal 9

5.3 The Frontal Lobes and Emotion / Mood and Affect 9

5.4 The Frontal Lobes and Self Reflectiveness 10

5.5 The Frontal Lobes and Speech, Language and Motor Symptoms 10

6 Conclusion_ 11

7 References 12

1 Introduction


No single theory has managed to comprehensively explain front lobe

functionality. Many theories exist that explain frontal lobe

functionality, which focus on various aspects of functionality such as

planning and ability to moderate behaviour, social behaviour,

personality and emotion. The frontal lobes are complex in their

functionality and only a synthesis of the various theories can begin

to present a more adequate picture of the various functions of the

frontal lobe, as well the importance of the various other parts of the

brain that are inextricably intertwined with the frontal lobes in

their functionality. “It is clear that every complex form of behavi...

... middle of paper ...

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Russel, J. D & Roxanas, M. G. (1990). Psychiatry and the frontal

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Schultz, M.L. (1999). Awakening Intuition. Great Britain: Bantam


Stuss, D. T. & Gow, C. A. (1992) No longer Gage”: Frontal lobe

dysfunction and emotional changes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical

Psychology, 60 (3), 349-359.

Walsh, K. W. (1991) Understanding Brain Damage. A primer of

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