The Role of the Atomic Bomb on the Ending of the War

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The Role of the Atomic Bomb on the Ending of the War The first Atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on 6th August 1945 at the end of World War 2. The blast virtually levelled more than 10 square Km of the city and killed 100,000 civilians. Three days later another Atom bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. The decision to use the Atomic bomb was made by American President Harry Truman. I believe in the justification for using the Nuclear weapon was that it ended the war and saved thousands more American and Japanese lives. However, some say that the bomb was really dropped to prove to the Soviet Union how powerful the USA was. This has caused much debate but the valid intention is unknown. To oppose this, historians have now obtained evidence that it is possible Japan were on the verge of surrender, so the Atomic bomb was therefore not necessary. "We thought we would be able to defeat the Americans on their first landing attack. But if the Americans launched a second or third attack, first our food supply would run out, then our weapons. The Americans could have won without using atomic bombs." This source, from an interview with the secretary to the Japanese War Minister in 1963 confirms that the Atomic bomb was in fact unnecessary. The interview took place nearly twenty years after the bomb was dropped so the overall knowledge and understanding of why the nuclear weapon was used would have been a great deal more developed and complex than when the event originally took place. "My god, what have we done?" This was the initial reaction of Captain R. Lewis, a pilot of the Enola Gay after dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. This source is extremely unreliable because of the aftershock of seeing the effect of the first Atom bomb on an occupied city. The realisation of what he had just done would have left the pilot feeling dreadful guilt, shame

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