The Role Of Zeus In The Odyssey

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Mythology was critical to Greek people’s everyday life, just like how religion is in our modern day in age. Everyday events, such as a thunderstorm, could be linked to a god or goddess. For example, when an earthquake would happen, it would be Poseidon crashing his tritan on the ground. People’s lives revolved around the whole ideology and it served as a way to explain the unexplained and to help them in times of need. All of the stories of these great gods and goddesses were passed down generation through generation each time getting more extreme and distorted. People idolized these beings and built stunning life like sculptures of them. Zeus was the most important of all the Greek gods and also king of Mount Olympus. He became a king after He is very well known for being deceiving, and a trickster. Hermes is also known for his many love affairs with numerous mortals, goddesses, and nymphs. In the Odyssey he serves as a messenger and is sent to Kalypso to tell her that she must let Odysseus off her island. The next person, Helios, is actually not a god but a rather a titan. He is the son of Hyperion and Thea and represents the sun, and his sisters Serena and Eos represent the night and the dawn. An easy way to remember him is that “Helios” is a root word from Greek for sun. Helios did not play a big part in Greek mythology and was eventually replaced by Apollo, but in the Odyssey he gets revenge on Odysseus for eating his cattle. Lastly is Aeolus, and this god is different because there are actually three gods with this name. The most famous which is the one that will be talked about in the Odyssey is the keeper of the winds, and he is also known by his other name is Hippotes. He gives Odysseus favorable winds, but when his companion opens the bad with the bad winds things turn a turn for the worse. In a nutshell, this is an explanation of all the gods in the Odyssey and the role that they

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