The Role Of Women In The Neolithic Era

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As the world changes, humanity changes. In the beginning of human history, it was stay warm or die, drink water or die, and eat food or die. Later, as mankind matured, buildings were erected, farms and irrigation were created, and government and economy became crucial. Further in maturing, mankind began to fight wars out if jealousy and greed. Women have always been the mothers and men the fathers. Other than that simple law if anatomy, the roles of men and women are not as simple. Starting the in Paleolithic Era, women have nurtured their children, and that’s true to modern day; but, during the Agricultural Era and modern era, women’s roles have changed era to era.
During the Paleolithic Era, the main goal was to survive. The common assumption …show more content…

Men took lead in the creation of religion and government. Women continued to be mothers and care for children, but Boulding makes a valid argument that agriculture and farming may have originated from a woman’s doing. Therefore, women were mothers, farmers, and crafters. They would work the lands along with the men and help cook and care for the family. They would craft clothing or baskets or anything else that was needed. Some documents suggest women were expected to serve their family. Moreover, just like the Paleolithic Era, if something was needed, it would be done by men and women. Furthermore, when nations began to invade each other, the women would have to assume the positions that needed to be filled. Whether it be farming, crafting, herding, or even government; in early civilizations, men would take the public control, but women could easily assume …show more content…

As the government has advanced, women have been rightly voted into head positions of world power. While war and military fighting was historically a man’s playground, women today fight hand to hand, bullet to bullet against the nations who seek to harm her and her families’ nation. Women have also entered into the realm of economy and now, similar to government, have great influence on the changes within society (Edwards). As with all eras and periods of time, women will forever be mothers. Yes, science today allows men to bottle feed the infant and can simulate motherly love, woman is still necessary to give birth to the child. Women still hold the stereotype of hospitality since jobs like teaching, waiting restaurants, and flight attendants are still female dominated. Finally, women compete just as and with men. Woman births the life that can change tomorrow, woman holds the influence to a life, woman teaches children to live and man to

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