The Role Of The American Dream In The Winter Soldier

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Consequently, Peggy and Sharon Carter represent the American Dream whereas Captain America and his mother are examples of bad things happening to good people – a tragedy.
Steve Rogers was born in a working-class family of Irish Catholic immigrants. His father, Joseph Rogers, was a soldier during World War I and died in combat. Thus, his mother, Sarah Rogers, a nurse, raised him by herself and took care of his poor health. Despite her determination and many sacrifices she doesn’t access to the American Dream, success. She dies of tuberculosis, a disease she caught in the hospital. Her determination and hard work didn’t get her a happy life but she was truly devoted to her only son, Steve. Sarah Rogers belongs to the first generation of immigrants …show more content…

In The First Avenger his choice was obvious, America and its allies were at war against Nazis, saving people was the right thing to do, and as a soldier it came easily. Nevertheless, it is also true that one could say that this choice was mostly motivated by his grief, having seen Bucky fall from a train and having been unable to prevent it. However, in The Winter Soldier, the world is not at war though some Americans, those who could stand up for themselves and make a difference, were targeted. Steve Rogers refuses to submit to what he judges as unreasonable orders and which he will soon discover to be HYDRA's. He is down-to-earth and smart enough to realize he needs allies. His honesty and idea of justice, something fair not by his country's politics but by humanist standards, together with his eloquence, make him a perfect leader. Someone so noble that anyone would look up to him. Despite the power of his words and his untainted reputation, the fact that people would usually follow him without a second thought, he never abuses of the faith put in him. On the contrary, he does his best to be worthy and keep on fighting for what people need, and for their safety, for their freedom. His devotion goes to them, not the government, and he also has faith in them, he trusts SHIELD's agents into doing the right thing and helping him stopping the …show more content…

Saving people come first, and Steve Rogers is selfless when it comes to protect innocent people. However, once he is certain everything is over and that HYDRA can't put people in harm's way, he stops being Captain America and goes back to being “just a kid from Brooklyn” – as he likes to remind it sometimes. He drops his shield which is an allegory for his duty as a soldier, a protective item, and as America's golden boy, wearing America's colors. He is a diligent soldier and a noble man, and gives up everything he built more than once for Bucky. Dropping the shield was a symbolic act that he reproduced in Civil War, when Tony Stark told him he didn't deserve

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