The Role Of Temperance In Jean Vanier's Life

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To live a virtuous life is what most people aim towards. A virtuous life is being able to make good and correct decisions in life. Jean Vanier lived a very virtuous life as he displayed the virtues of temperance, kindness and diligence.
Jean Vanier displays the virtue of temperance by creating “L’Arche” which although started with just two handicapped men, progressed and grew into more than 80 L’Arche communities. Temperance is displayed within Vanier’s life because by letting two handicapped people, Raphael and Phillipe both who were considered severely handicapped, into his small house. Temperance is the equivalent of justice. Jean Vanier wanted the handicapped people to have justice, so he fed them both, gardened with them and even learned from them. Vanier also displayed temperance because he valued humanism. Humanism is the ability to rationally solve human problems and that’s what Jean Vanier did by letting in those who were disabled. He went against all norms as well and helped these people just as Jesus Christ did. Especially when Jesus Christ said “I was a stranger, I was strange, I was different and you welcomed me”. This shows that again Jean Vanier displayed …show more content…

Jean Vanier was a very kind person. He was someone who didn’t reject handicapped people. He discovered it not the actual disability that hurts handicapped people, it the rejection of those around them. By being compassionate towards those who are hurt and handicapped, Vanier is living up to the virtue of kindness. By helping to take care of Eric (who was both blind and deaf). Vanier really lived up to the virtue of kindness because he was there for Eric. He was patient (another virtue!), he really reached out to Eric and realized that his heart is just like Vanier’s and that Eric needs love just as he does. By being there to love Eric, he formed a covenant with

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