The Role Of Sex In The Media

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In today’s society, people believe everything that they see on the media. From the celebrity life to family time, every aspect is soaked up into normal everyday life and taken as the truth. Alex Williams, author of Quality Time, Redefined says that the way people use technology today can affect quality time within family and friends on a daily basis. In theory, media takes the view of family time and shows it only in one way; which, is ironic because media also destroys peoples view on sex. Jean Kilbourne author of Two Ways A Woman Can Get Hurt, she discusses how men and women in the media are misrepresented as sex objects. But more so that women are characterized as inferior in comparison to men. If media is able to show false information …show more content…

That could be taken as truth; however, that is indeed wrong. Media/ad are dehumanizing use in many ways. We all have heard the sayings “making love” and “we just fucked” and there’s a difference. Media is allowed society to change a beautiful thing like sex into a vulgar word which is ”fucking”. Now if media would show sex as love would there still be a big debate going on about have sex on media and advertisements? Kilbourne states that “Pornography is more dangerously mainstream when it is glorified of race and violent shows in mass media, in films and television shows, in comedy and music videos and in advertising.” (422). Kilbourne is stating that sex is shown everywhere and it’s like we don’t even care if it exploits women to any degree. For instance a cologne commercial and picture a shirtless man who sprays himself with the body perfume and within seconds multiple women run towards him as if it was the only thing the know how to do. That example just show how media take sex and makes people into objects. In Williams essay, he has similar arguments about media; which, is “ Media companies are jumping on board to make sure that their content is available at any time on any device.” (95). This can be taken as, no matter what media can be seen anywhere and anytime of the day. Both Williams and Kilbourne show that media is being available everywhere and at any time whether its sexual or

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