The Role Of Performance In Teri Silvio's Animation: The New Performance?

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Animation lets people question in many ways others experiences that caused their mediated experience first off. Such as if a person questions ones experiences about how they think about how the body and voices connect to media ideologies through how animation provides a way for users to question social media platforms actions and results. Another example is how one might think about what it is like to be human in the virtual world where ones persona is controlled by their actions, not how their physical appearance or though process is in real life therefore people can explore “notions of labor change when being a persuasive self or an employable self involves coordinating so many different processes to present a coherent and unified character.” …show more content…

In Teri Silvio’s article, “Animation: The New Performance?” animation is explored through how it works with performance as a way for a better understanding between the relationship of the self and what characterizes a community of maker from its products, thus “When one turns to performance, one tends to imagine an actor performing on a stage, that is, a character inhabited by a strategic self speaking a text or choosing from a socially agreed upon repertoire” (Silvio) exhibits the questions that arise such as the difference between maker and creation, or does planned actions or improved make a difference in social …show more content…

Performance and animation intertwine through the media ideologies in post industrial cultures such as social formations of gender, generation, and class (Silvio). Animation as the Construction of Self-Identity is most apparent when the social functions of performance reverses actions through animation such as in online platforms of virtual communities. Such has how Catfishes’ animated characters can be everywhere or anywhere online, whereas “impulse as cultural, as emerging from specific traditions of interaction between performance and animation, rather than as a characteristic of either universal human nature or the technology itself” (Silvio) In the online world people are able to represent themselves through an animated character they create. The Embodied Performance as Self-Animation can be understood through digital animation as an embodied performance whereas people are able to create characters they can act out, thus explaining what Catfishes’

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