The Role Of Leadership In Animal Farm, By George Orwell

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It is in the psychology of humankind that people need to have a figure of leadership to be safe. What is more, the majorities of these figures never actually satisfy the needs of their people, but rather, exploit their own men for their personal gain. Despite the fact that Orwell wrote Animal Farm as a satirical response to Russian regime, the aim of this paper is to show that social order that is shown in his work is found throughout the history, as well as in the present moment. Such type of leadership does not only appear in communism, but it also appears in democratic societies. From the beginning of mankind, there have always been rulers, conquerors, kings, or presidents. It does not matter if it is a communistic, democratic or other …show more content…

The bad thing, however, is when people are deceived by their own government and led to believe the lie. Ruling class detaches itself from the others. They believe they are unique in their abilities and knowledge, and that common people should be grateful to have such great leaders, as they are sacrificing their own time and effort to make their lives easier. “There was, as Squealer was never tired of explaining, endless work in the supervision and organization of the farm. Much of this work was of a kind that the other animals were too ignorant to understand“(Orwell, 121-122). They advocate equal rights as a basis of human rights, yet ironically, they believe they deserve better conditions. Such an example in Animal Farm is when the pigs form a single Commandment “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS“(Orwell, 126). As commonly interpreted, it means that pigs are more equal that is, more superior than other animals on the farm. However, Kearney suggests that equal in this case does not mean …show more content…

“The deceit of the pigs was not the only failure on Animal Farm, for the foolish simplicity of the other animals and, indeed, of Old Major's naive idea of revolutionary change were as much to blame for the dictatorship which ensued“(Letemendia, 72). People have the tendency to blame everyone else for the struggles in their life, but they need to realize they are also responsible for their way of life. People need to stop being blind when it comes to the decisions government makes. They cannot simply wait for the government officials to decide the faith of their lives - they need to be in the control of it. That might not mean the better world itself, but it does mean the possibility of having control over own life. Government wants to project the current state of affairs as the most desirable one in the history. They tend to focus on the negative sides of other societies to make their ideology seem better. “One false step, and our enemies would be upon us. Surely, comrades, you do not want Jones back?” (Orwell,

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