The Role Of Heroes In Ancient Greek Mythology And Modern Day

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A hero. That’s what everyone wants to be called at some point in their life, but what makes someone a hero? Do they need to kill the Nemean Lion like Hercules, or land a plane in the Hudson River like Sully? Do they need to train heroes like Chiron, or help the sick like Princess Diana? No, you just need to have the same qualitie that all heroes have, Ancient Greek or Modern. Don’t see what the common denominator is yet? Finish reading, and hopefully you will. To begin, there are many heroes in Greek mythology and modern day, and many are as different as cat and dog, though, they save the same qualities. In Ancient Greek Mythology, there is a hero named Orpheus. He traveled to the Underworld, Hades’s realm, to save his wife. She had died, …show more content…

In Ancient Greek Mythology, there was a spy named Dolan. He spied on the Greek ships, but was caught by Odysseus and Diomedes. The two eventually decapitated him, destroying his chances to have been recognized for his deeds. Dolon was brave and selfless, and shares many qualities with a certain modern day hero, Nathan Hale. Nathan was a spy for the Patriots in the Revolutionary War. He spied on the British until he was caught and hanged. Nathan was also brave and selfless. The two heroes were thousands of years apart, yet, they are almost the same people. Their tasks were alike, but their qualities were the exact …show more content…

An example of that is Chiron and Ronald Shepard. In Ancient Greek mythilogy, Chiron is the trainer of heroes. He trained heroes like Hercules, who competed the 12 Labors. Chiron was selfless, intelligent, brave, and had great leadership skills. Ronlad Shepard, also known as Shep, trains students to run, and teaches them things required to be healthy. He has almost the same exact qualities as Chiron. Shep is selfless, intelligent, inspiring, and also has great leadership skills. Shep also completes the impossible eevryday, he gets teenagers to run! Ciron and SHep are practically the same people, but were born in differnt times, one is a myth, and one is half

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