The Role Of Gender Stereotypes In The Film Industry

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With a television and film industry that is dominated by straight white males, there is an overwhelming lack of accurate representation in our society. By analyzing the underlying factors of this issue, we can seek to provide more realistic representation of minorities within the film industry. The major minority groups in hollywood are categorized according to race, lgbtq, and female representation.

Female Representation in American Television & Film

Despite making up over 50% of the Population, there is a startling lack of female representation within the film industry. In the diversity study conducted by the University of Southern California, the research team released data on the amount of female characters in movies released in 2014 and 2015. Across the 11,306 speaking characters evaluated, 66.5% were male and 33.5% were female (Smith, Stacey L., et al.). This calculated into a sample wide gender ratio of seeing 2 males to every 1 female on screen, which …show more content…

Television can discourage young women from becoming socially, academically, and professionally ambitious. In a study published by the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, gender-stereotypic television commercials were employed in three studies to evoke the female stereotype among both men and women (Davies). Study 1 revealed that only women for whom the activated stereotype was self-relevant underperformed on a subsequent math test (Davies). Exposure to the stereotypic commercials led women taking an aptitude test in Study 2 to avoid math items in favor of verbal items (Davies). In Study 3, women who viewed the stereotypic commercials indicated less interest in educational/vocational options in which they were susceptible to stereotype threat (i.e., quantitative domains) and more interest in fields in which they were immune to stereotype threat (i.e., verbal domains)

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