The Role Of Christianity In Uncle Tom's Cabin

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Life is viewed differently by everyone. Some see the positive and optimistic life full of wonder, while others see the negative and pessimistic life of dead ends. The perceptions are based on the experiences that molds the good and the bad. We see what our past has been and what our future would most likely be. Our beliefs of life cannot be changed by another’s perspectives. In Harriet Beecher Stowe’s anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Eliza and George are two slaves that live in different environments to influence how they react and think in different situations. The role of Christianity plays an extensive part in a slave’s life. Christianity gives the slaves a sense of belonging and faith. They feel that they can depend on God for their fortunes and that He will guide them out of their misfortunes. How does religion play a role in their lives and their views on “good” and “bad” masters? The slaves that are Christian has a better and wholesome perception of life while slaves that are not Christian look at life in a pessimistic way. Eliza is a slave on a plantation that raises her to be a “good” Christian. To Eliza, her masters …show more content…

His master wants to take him away from Eliza and is forcing him to marry within the plantation. George is a hardworking slave and his master does not seem to like the praises he would get. His master likes to torment him and make his life not worth living because George is a slave. When George expresses his feelings to Eliza, she tells him to believe in God and pray. George, however, concludes that his “heart’s full of bitterness; [he] can’t trust in God” (Stowe III). George’s master’s son is also like his father. The son, Tom, is a cruel little boy because he beats the horses and he beats George. The readers can infer that Tom will be like his father when he grows up because he is already starting his training to become a slave master with cruelty and callousness like his

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