The Road Monologue

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streets, the smell of the ocean breeze bitterly blew over my shoulders and neck, which gave me that tingling feeling everyone gets at the beginning of Autumn. I could hear the geese honking as they flew overhead and the sound of dry leaves rustling. As I walked on down the narrow footpath, I saw a mob of people all gathered around something. I ran over to see what all the commotion was about and there I saw, a girl lying on the road. She wasn't moving. I took a closer look and noticed her clothes, her body and her face. We looked exactly the same. Wait. Could that be me? I felt uneasy and weak just looking at her. In a few minutes the ambulance came and she was taken away. The alarming sirens softened as they drove speedily down the streets. As everyone cleared off, I came up to a man and asked “Sir, who was that girl and what happened to her?” He looked straight into my eyes for a second then turned the other way. I overheard a conversation between two elderly ladies. “It was a hit and run,” one of the ladies said in a gentle voice. “Poor girl…” the other one said. …show more content…

Out of breath and gasping for air. I ran around to every room. I finally stumbled upon the right room. I slowly pushed through the door. My parents were standing in the corner of the room, along with the doctor. “I’m sorry, but she didn't make it…” he said in a small voice. The doctor’s heavy footsteps walked out off the room. My mother’s soft eyes flooded with sadness as she tightly hugged my father. He stroked my mother’s hair as a single tear slid down from his warm, butterscotch eyes, followed by another one, and another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed it's way down his pale cheek. The noisy sobs echoed through the cold room. How could this be? “I’m still here!” I screamed. But no one heard me. A salty fluid dripped over my small, cracked lips. “I’m still here!” I screamed once

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