The Road Monologue

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eyes fog, and for a second all I can see is an outline. Then it comes into focus ; a man. He’s wearing the most tacky suit, bright purple with glittery gold trim. His blonde hair makes his teeth look whiter, and over his sunglasses his eyes are a dazzling baby blue. “WilDEFire, you’re awake! How fabulous for you! I simply must tell Jenna!” “Who’s Wildfire, and where are my parents?” “WilDEFire, doll, and their......wait. You don’t know who WilDEFire is?” I shake my head. “This is awful! I feared thus might happen and oh it did! I’ll tell modeling I knew I was right!.....Tell me something, pet, whats your name?” “Carrie?” “Whats the last thing you remember?” Just then, a nurse hustltes in and says “Visiting time’s over! “ She stops when she see’s me. …show more content…

And you didn’t even bother to tell us? You could be giving her brain damage! Out, out!!” She then practically pushes his out. Just before the door slams shut, I see him adjusting his sunglasses. Before I can even register it, she’s at my bedside table pushing a red button. An intercom creackles. “Yes, yes, what?” A tired sounding voice creaks. “She’s awake! Get down her now!” “Yes, yes, now....well, ask her the questions.” For the first time, the nurse really looks at me. Her eyes soften. I’m going to ask you some questions, okay? You just need to tell me what you know. “ I nod. “Whats your name?” “Carrie brown.” “How old are you?” “Thirteen.” “Where are you

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