The Road Creative Writing

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A long time ago when I was on the trying to get home it was dark and it was snowing. Somewhere along the way I must have taken a wrong turn, and soon I was completely lost. I finally came to a traffic light. I was relieved, as it meant the highway was nearby. I was almost positive it was to the right but the light was red. A sign on the corner stated: NO RIGHT TURN ON RED. Yet, it was so late that none of the houses I passed had lights on, and there were no cars around. Surely, it was okay to make a right turn. "Screw it," I said, and stepped on the gas. Halfway through the turn, something darted out into the intersection. A loud, dull thud echoed through the car, and I slammed on the brakes. At first, I didn't react. I just shut off the engine …show more content…

I stood up, but not straight, and walked closer to the child. It was a girl, possibly around eight years old. She had a little blue backpack. She lay face down; her blonde hair covered in dark red blood. I returned to the car and dialed 911. As I waited for help to arrive, I knew I couldn't tell them I made an illegal right turn. Especially when it resulted in such a tragedy. As far as anyone was concerned, the light was green. The police arrived with an ambulance, and I went to greet them. When I tried to show them the girl. There wasn't even blood on the ground, or an imprint in the snow. When they told me to go home I went in my car a drove off. A few minutes later I got t the same intersection At the time, I wasn't sure, but it did have the same sign: NO RIGHT TURN ON RED. I was correct about the highway being to the right, so I knew I was going to have to make the turn. This time, I would wait until the light changed. I'm not sure how much time passed, but it must have been at least twenty minutes. For a while I just stared at the words, "NO RIGHT TURN ON RED". The light wasn't changing, and my patience was fading. I didn't want to do it, but there wasn't much of a

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