The Rise of Militarism in Japan During the 1930s

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The Rise of Militarism in Japan During the 1930s

Japanese militarism reached the peak高峰 in 1932-45. This era

was called the "Dark Valley黑暗的深淵" in Japanese history. In its simplest

meaning, militarism means prestige and greatness of Japan at the

expense犧牲 of other countries, an aggressive foreign policy,

dominance主導 and overall political control by military officers, a huge

military budget, an intensiveåŠ å¼·çš„ armament programme as well as

militarist attitudes of the people as a whole. The rise of Japanese

militarism in the 1930s was due to many factors.

Firstly, the emergence of Shintoism神é“æ•™ in the late Tokugawa era

provided Japanese militarism with the ideological foundation. Japanese

people were the offspring後代 of Sun Goddess天照大神. Hence they were

racially superior to other nations. Since Sun Goddess was the direct

ancestor祖先 of the Japanese royal family, so the tenno天皇 was the centre

of loyalty. Anyone who could influence the emperor was thus able to

command the whole state.

Japan's insular島嶼性 position and its separation from the Asian

continent as well as the seclusion鎖國policy of over 200 years had

contributed to the uniquenessç¨ä¸€ç„¡äºŒ of Japan's national identity and

culture. In addition, foreign imperialist aggression and the

subsequent unequal treaties during the late Tokugawa and early Meiji

periods added to Japanese patriotism愛國主義 and taught the Japanese that

"mightåŠ›é‡ is right". The traditional high social status of military

personnel was further enhancedæ高.

Some reform items of Meiji Modernization also helped spread militarism

throughout the cou...

... middle of paper ...

...ccount for the rise

of militarism in Japan. The League of Nations just paid lip

services沒實際行動 to stop Mussolini's aggression to Corfu科孚, Fiume阜姆港 and

Somaliland索馬里蘭, which encouraged Japanese militarists to follow an

expansionist foreign policy.

The Shenyang Incident of 1931ä¹ä¸€å…«äº‹è®Š showed the initialåˆæ­¥

disobedienceä¸æœå¾ž of military men. The Guandong Armyé—œæ±è» invaded

Manchuria without the consentåŒæ„ of the Tokyo central government. In

the "May 15 Incident五一五事件" of 1932 Premier Inukai犬養毅 was shot to death

by naval officers and army cadetsè»æ ¡å­¸ç”Ÿ. Frequent political

assassinations暗殺 and use of various terrors made party politicians

submissive屈æœ. In 1940 the Imperial Rule Assistance Association大政翼贊會

started militarist rule formally in Japan.

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