The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner Analysis

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“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
In Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, is a story of a sailor whom undergoes the brutality of God due the sailor’s carelessness towards nature. Coleridge uses numerous Gothic elements: supernatural events, dreams/visions, and overwrought emotions—which are all eminent in the poem.
There are many supernatural events which occur throughout the poem. Coleridge mentions, “The Nightmare LIFE-IN-DEATH was she, / Who thicks man’s blood with cold” (line 194-195). This quote signifies the crew encountering the ghost-like vessel with Death and Nightmare Life-in-Death onboard to which the two clash by taking fate and chance (which is a disbelief for Christians) on rolling dices for the crew. As a result, the Mariner was won by Life-in-Death and the Death won the crew whom are stripped of their souls as the mariner watched in horror for precisely seven days and seven nights. These events seem oddly haunting and mystical which further attributes to the elements of Gothic literature. The supernatural occurrences do not halt, especially when monstrous s...

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