The Rights of a Political Prisoner versus the Rights of a Terrorist

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The Rights of a Political Prisoner versus the Rights of a Terrorist

In this essay I will discuss why political prisoners are often categorized as terrorists ever since September 11, 2001, also I will examine what rights political prisoners have to that of terrorist. In this essay I will have the contents of first my reasons for why political prisoners are categorized as terrorist. Secondly, I will make the objection to the rights. Lastly, I will respond by explaining my position in which I believe that in any case that in any form a political prisoner who looks to takes in any actions of any form to infringe against my right to live life and to enjoy it should be categorized as terrorist.

Several reasons come into of why political prisoners are categorized as terrorist. Before the tragic events of September 11, 2001, we have had a right to safe society meaning the right to live freely in this America with no interruption with an orderly society free from interference from outside influences. In this case on September 11, 2001 those rights got infringed upon with the attack on America. This showed that for one day in 2001 that America was not so superior. The right of living in a safe society was now a fore gone formality. The right to work was not the same as well meaning in reference to those who were working that morning of the attack. Just when I thought it was safe to go to work I was wrong with one day that changes my life. I wrestled with this profiling of all actions of the political nature.

A web site called the ABC federation, which supports political prisoners as a totally autonomous unified group, which looks to grow collectively on struggles against government policies. They informed me that Political Prisoners act to carry out support of legitimate struggles for self-determination or for opposing the illegal policies for the government along with its political sub-divisions. In the Common Dreams New Center web site reported a study on what a terrorist was. It explains to me that a terrorist is one who acts or engages in an act of terrorism.

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