The Responsibility Of Sonny's Struggle In Big Daddy

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Big Daddy is a 1999 American comedy film that revolves around Sonny Koufax (Adam Sandler), a 30-year-old layabout who does not take his responsibilities as an adult seriously. Though he graduated with a degree in law, Sonny works as a tollbooth collector and mostly relies on the $200,000 he received after winning a lawsuit from a car accident. All is well until Sonny’s girlfriend, Vanessa (Kristy Swanson), gets fed up with Sonny’s attitude. She then tells Sonny she will end their relationship unless he can prove that he can be a responsible adult. Just after, a 5-year-old boy, Julian (Cole Sprouse/Dylan Sprouse), showed up at their Manhattan loft claiming to be Kevin’s (Jon Stewart), Sonny’s roommate and best friend from law school, biological son. Kevin denies, …show more content…

He took a big responsibility of taking care of Julian without thinking it through. As the movie progresses, it showed the transformation of Sonny, from a slacker to a responsible adult. However, the film failed to portray what parental authority is, which refers to the rights and duties of the parents toward their …show more content…

Both respondents claimed that Sonny, as the father figure of Julian, was negatively depicted in the movie. He was portrayed as a permissive “single parent” struggling to raise his “child.” Furthermore, though he was able to learn how to be a good father, his way of parenting is not at par with how parental authority is (Lim, 2015). As mentioned, Julian was given the liberty to do whatever that makes him happy. According to Chris V. (2015), there is nothing wrong with giving a child freedom to choose and decide, but too much freedom and not having proper guidance is

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