The Republic of Rwanda

1444 Words3 Pages

The Republic of Rwanda

As the universe progresses so do different societies and

civilizations. From the beginning of mankind there have been many

positive and negative changes. We have seen uproar of conflict within

nations and boundaries. This change has been seen evident in countries

other than just the United States, from coast to coast, continent to

continent, war and struggle is noticeable. Progress is evident in

countries from their period of colonization to their struggle for

independence and struggle in the political arena. The following paper

will focus on the struggle and hardships of two distinct countries:

Rwanda and Mexico, countries in search for the power, recognition and

independence necessary for them to grow and prosper.

Growth and prosperity are desirable by all, whether a small country or

big country. The Republic of Rwanda a small country in Central Africa,

located east of Democratic Republic of the Congo has been able to

somewhat overcome major challenges. To better understand Rwanda, focus

shall be on the history of the country, which will include the

colonization era, the fight for independence and the out come of the

country. The struggle for independence for some countries is harder

than that of others.

Rwanda a small country of about 7,800,000 has had major set backs and

obstacles to overcome. Rwanda is compelled of three ethnic groups of

which only two will be spoken about. The Hutus, who compromise the

majority of the population (85%) , are farmers of Bantu origin. The

Tutsis (14%) are pastoral people who arrived in the area in the 15th

century. The Tutsi established a monarchy headed by a mwami (k...

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...ently seen

harder and larger difficulties that that of Mexico. Mexico a country

run by the Spaniards for many centuries finally grows and gains

independence. The colonization and development of these two countries

have to a certain extent been similar but at the same time different.

Differences in political aspects, social welfare, and economic

standing have been seen and reflected upon. The fact of the matter is

that in order to be free, independent and gain recognition all types

of action must be used. Rwanda went through mass murder genocide,

while Mexico went through assassinations and murders of great leaders

by other political parties. The struggle for power, recognition and

independence has led countries to do what they must in order to reach

their goal and to give their people what they deserve. Is it worth it?

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