The Relationship of Pip and Magwitch

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The Relationship of Pip and Magwitch

Write an essay about Pip and Magwitch's relationship, concentrating

mainly on the section when Magwitch returns from Botany Bayonwards,

though you should briefly touch on the opening of the novel respond to

Orwell's assertion in his essay (Charles Dickens) that Pip maintains

an abhorrence for the convict.

Magwitch is introduced to Pip as a shock, at first he come across as

being manipulative and seems to be intimidating and oppressive. Pip

and the readers have illusory images that Magwitch is malign, but he

is not the villain he has been made out to be. Murderous intentions

are given by Magwitch which are misleading. The way Dickens describes

Magwitch shows us that he feels sorry for him. Magwitch only seems

cruel because of his hardships.

The boy reacts to Magwitch in a fearful and terrorised manner and

obeys Magwitch's every word. It looks like he enjoys torturing people,

"Bring me the food or I'll have your heart and liver out", but really

he is just ravenously hungry. Magwitch threatens Pip in order to get

himself food. Pip has an impressionable mind and is easily

manipulated. A new bond takes place and a relationship begins. By

threatening Pip he gets him to promise that he will bring him food and

drink in a file and a whittle. The threat is lightened by him saying

he wishes he was a frog.

After their encounter there is a macabre image of Magwitch dodging the

graves and it seems the dead people are trying to pull him into the

graves; again the boy is being over imaginative.

The main thing they have in common is that they are both lonely and

have no friends. At the end of the n...

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... has risked everything for a short

period with Pip.

Pips last lesson he must learn is that you cannot foretell the future.

When they are suspicious of the fact they are being watched and

followed Magwitch is so content he doesn't even care one bit. Pip

comforts Provis. Pip now calls the convict his real name Magwitch

instead of his cover name Provis, he now completely emphasises with

him. The name shows sincerity.

All of Magwitch's bad fortune comes from the bad work of Compeyson.

Pip says he must stay with Magwitch in his time of need he says this

in a responsible way. All Pips repugnance towards Magwitch has gone,

"For now my repugnance to him had all melted away…". This proves

Orwell to be wrong because he now only shows the highest affection for

Magwitch and now loves him like a son would love his father.

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