The Refugee Situation: Refugees In The United States

693 Words2 Pages

By: Lydia, Evan, and Tyler
The Refugee Situation
A refugee is a person who has run away from his or her home country in fear of persecution because of their race, religion, or social group. Most refugees come from the Middle East because of the wars there. Currently, only about ten countries are accepting refugees, including Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and the U.S. Every day, Europe gains 8,000 more refugees. The only problem is, what will those countries do with them? The refugees have little or no education, they don’t speak the country’s native language, and have no money. This study suggests that although refugees can pose a possible terrorist threat, we should help them in their situation, because they are running from persecution. Refugees are no different than us and need to be protected.
Even though the refugee situation is a very serious issue, many people have no idea how bad it actually is. In the year 2014, there were about 60 million refugees worldwide. That number is expected to grow massively due to the oppression of ISIS in the Middle East. In Syria alone, 43 percent of the population are refugees. There are over 11 million people in the world that are ¨stateless.¨ Over 4.5 million refugees come from Syria, where they are …show more content…

The reason some states are reluctant to let Syrian refugees into their states is because of recent terrorist attacks by people from the Middle East. After 9/11 many people are wary of Middle Eastern people. Also with the Syrian ties in both Paris and San Bernardino. They don’t know if the refugees that are coming in are terrorists or not. People in the U.S want to keep themselves and their children safe. Some states are taking their chances and letting them in, but most aren’t. Some of these states aren’t letting them in because, they don’t have enough room, or there isn’t enough money to support

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