The Reflection Of Writing Techniques In Writing

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Throughout the semester, Journalism has taught me various techniques in which have benefitted my writing as a whole. These techniques have taught me how to shape my papers/articles in a more organized manner while managing to state all of my points/ opinions on the certain topics I’m talking about. On top of that, learning how to structure my writing properly has changed my writing for the better. From learning so many techniques, it made me look at the way news is announced differently as well. Although it is asked to discuss what was most valuable to our learning, I have two techniques in which have been very valuable to me throughout the transition of learning how to properly write articles. These two techniques are the Inverted Pyramid and The Wall Street Journal Formula.
Out of all of the beneficial tips and techniques learned throughout this class, one of the most valuable to my learning would be learning about the Inverted Pyramid. At first, when it came to writing I was unfamiliar with the technique and was just writing papers based off of the prior knowledge I …show more content…

For The Wall Street Journal Formula, it starts off with a softer lead which revolves around focusing on a person, scene or event. This technique is used to go from talking about something specific to talking about something in general just so the main points can be caught in the beginning of the paper/article. This specific technique structure is usually used for writings like trends, major issues, features, news sidebars and news events as well. On top of that, this technique is also effective for broadcast news because viewers can relate to people, so since the main focus in the beginning is on a person, then it will draw the readers in and have them curious to what else the article might

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