The Reflection Of Spiritual Blindness

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Some very important questions need to be asked as regards this important topic for today’s reflection. Can we know if these are the last days? How late is it on the eschatological time clock? Are we near the end of time or are we like some early Christians waiting with baited breath for something to happen which are thousands of years in the future? Questions, questions and more questions but where are the definitive answers and can we rely on these answers.

If you follow the news closely or surf the internet it seems every nutcase, palm reader, dreamer, false prophet, devil worshipper, cultist, God-told-me-so-last-night-joke preacher, tea leaves reader, Old Uncle Tom Cobley and all know exactly when the world comes to an end. History is littered with false prognostications and every day more of the same is being …show more content…

The cry is often heard and the complaint made of the abundance of religious information by which we are bombarded and yet they are so many who are spiritually blind. Spiritual blindness is more often than not a self inflicted disorder because people willfully refuse to believe and Paul states it thus, “…because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they believe a lie.” (2 Thessalonians 2:10b-11). When people keep practicing rejection of the truth it becomes normal for them to accept and become comfortable with lies. People are blind to the truth of God’s word and are not recognizing the warning signs even though they are prevalent and pronounced because Satan has blinded the eyes of the unbelieving world. We have now reached the stage where spiritually the horns are sounding and we do not hear, the red lights are flashing and we do not see and our sense of danger has been curtailed. What follows next is all but

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