The Reflection Of Primates Observation To The Zoo

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Primates Observation The goal of the visit to the zoo was to observe and learn about the different non-human primates there are. The primary aim was to learn about the behavior the primates exhibit at various times of the day. The habitual mode of locomotion of the primates and the physical characteristics were a focus for this observation. Each primate was observed for twenty minutes. Patas Monkey There were eight Patas monkeys in total in the zoo. The male ones were three, three females and two immature Patas monkeys. The Patas monkey has a white color around its mouth. This is one way of differentiating it from the rest of the monkey species. The males These are areas fragmented and mostly separated by wide-open landscapes. Their common habitat is the lowland forests and tropical dry forests, ( Fleagle, 45). There were five of these primates. Two were male, two female and one infant. They remained together most of time and were always in a group. The primates have tails that are white in color. The male primate is larger compared to the female which is evidence of the sexual dimorphism of the primates, (Fleagle,49). The primates have shorter forelimbs, are upright and have strong recognizable limbs. They move by leaping on the ground are different a clear distinction between the other species and them. Their short arms limit them in movement. Their hind limbs are however powerful. These primates were observed to be quite active during the day. They basked in the sun. After basking, the coquereli sifika gets active and busy in the food search and feeding. They fed on leaves, bark, dead wood and flowers. These monkeys were observed sleeping in trees during rest time. The level of activity was reduced in the afternoon and evening. Hylobates

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