The Raven Movie Essay

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The film “The Raven”, directed by James McTeigue and released on April 27, 2012, is a unique twist and combination of Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories. The film begins with Poe on a park bench in Baltimore, beneath a tree limb holding a large, dark raven; symbolizing the title of the movie and foreshadowing the upcoming events. It then jumps to the present- Poe getting drunk, talking about his writing, and secretly getting together with Emily because Emily’s father strongly dislikes him. Poe seems to be in a rut- his boss wants him to create more stories like “A Tell-Tale Heart”, but Poe just can’t seem able to come up with anything worthy of the first page of the paper. This soon changes. Strange murders have been occurring that follow Poe’s …show more content…

Poe then reaches the newspaper office and finds the editor dead with a note that reads, "Getting Warmer!". Ivan, Poe’s coworker, then congratulates Poe on finding him, the killer, and then explains that he missed Poe's writing so much that he decided to make up his own story and then act it out in real life so that Poe would be forced to write about it. Poe then drinks the poison in order for Emily to survive and Ivan escapes to Paris as a man named Reynolds. Poe is weakening by the second, but he soon realizes that Ivan referenced “The Tell-Tale Heart” and that Emily is buried under the floor beneath him. Poe saves Emily just in time and then resorts to a park bench for his last second of life. During his last moments, a man approaches him and asks Poe if he really is Edgar Allen Poe, the famous writer. Poe gets pleasure by this comment and then tells the man to tell Fields his last name was Reynolds, talking about the killer on the loose. Poe then passes away on that very park bench. Fields ends up getting Poe’s message and captures the killer in

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