The Rainy Day

588 Words2 Pages

I was walking down a run-down road accompanied only by the rattling tracks of a train zooming right above me, I felt the ground slightly rumble and so did the pigeons as they dispersed into the thick smog covering downtown San Francisco. I continued down the road with my hands firmly glued into my pockets as I passed two husky bikers leaning against the graffiti-ed wall of a run-down convenience store, staring at me as I pass their immaculate Harley’s
With my mind drifting off, I stumbled on a rock and fell arms first onto the sidewalk. As I’m lying on the floor, I take in a deep breath to recuperate and noticed what seemed to be a brown leather wallet under a decrepit old bench. I slid my hand under the cobweb city to obtain the misplaced wallet. I hazily stood up unscathed, for a moment I laughed at my stupidity as I looked down at my hand, that’s going to leave a scare. I wiped my hands intently on my jeans getting rid of the dirt as i sat down to open the wallet. I was sifting through the irrelevant checks and cards to find $1000 and an ID card for one Dawson Reid. According to t...

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