The Qualities Of Jesus In Jewish Religion

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In both Christianity and in the Jewish faith, Jesus is mentioned in each faith. Jesus grew up and was raised in Nazareth, where he would preach Jewish scriptures and the word of God. Jesus practiced and followed the Jewish faith and it’s heritage. Over time, Jesus had a mass group of followers who would listen to his teachings. He was seen as a loving Jewish teacher, whom many called rabbi. When the scriptures were written, after many years, Christianity started to separate from Judaism. To many of his followings, Jesus is seen as a good rabbi. A rabbi is a teacher who teaches the Jewish law to others, following the Jewish scriptures. In the temple and many places, this is what Jesus would do. He educated and enlightened them the word …show more content…

In the scriptures, along with many other characteristics these qualities were shown numerous times, enabling those who read it implement it into their lives. Jesus is welcoming because He showed no judgement to those who wanted to hear Him preach and learn. He welcomed everyone with open arms regardless of who they were. This made him a good rabbi because He was not prejudicial and did not exclude others. Forgiving is another good quality shown in Jesus. Everyone that wronged Jesus were forgiven by Him. Even at his final death, when he was dying on the cross He still managed to forgive everyone. Forgiveness made Jesus a good rabbi as he did not hold any grudges towards others. Jesus is a loving teacher, who cared for others and helped whenever He could. He never showed any hate towards others and always made sure to treat others with kindness and tenderness. This is a sign of a good rabbi, who treats people right. Disciplined is another quality Jesus exemplified. He abides by what he teaches and He did not get tempted by any evil forces. Jesus is a good teacher because He knew what was to be accomplished and focussed on that. He allowed many other people to learn, which is a reason why He is a good teacher. The quality of being patient is a major quality that Jesus had. He was patient with many people. When things were not going his way or when people would go against him, He did not lash out because He saw the good in them. Jesus did not force others to listen to him. Instead he was patient and taught, which drew many people to come to him. Genuinely, Jesus taught others to allow the word of God to spread. With possessing many good qualities, Jesus is sought to be a good

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