The Purpose of the Inspector in the Play An Inspector Calls

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The Purpose of the Inspector in the Play An Inspector Calls An Inspector Calls by J.B Priestly was first performed in 1945. The play was set in 1912 before the war; it centres around the wealthy Birling family. A visit from the mysterious Inspector Goole proves to be a horrifying experience for the Birling's as they learn that they have all played a part in the suicide of a young girl called Eva Smith. The 'moral' of the play is was to encourage people to take responsibility for their actions, not to shift the blame on to others. Priestly attempts to convey his attitudes and ideas through the characters in the play. The Inspector represents the voice of Priestley. He believes in community and if we don't work together then disaster is inevitable. Priestley's main aim in the play was to show what would happen if we didn't work together as a community. The play is there to highlight the problems of class divide; he wanted his audiences to learn something from his plays. The main character of the play is 'Inspector Goole', an enigmatic character who reveals very little of himself, but instead spends his time digging up the secrets of the Birling family and exposing them amongst themselves. He does this because he is aware that the Birlings are largely responsible for the suicide of 'Eva Smith' a young girl who committed suicide whilst pregnant with Eric Birlings child, and wants the family to know what they have done, suffer for it and hopefully change their ways to a more socialist way of thinking. It is not clear in the play whether the inspector is a real person, or whether he is some form of spirit, hallucination or the personification of the guilt of Eva Smiths death. It doesn't actually matter, as the message and effect of the inspector is the same regardless. Whatever the actual nature of his existence is, he acts as the conscience of the Birling family. He makes them aware of the wrongs they have done to Eva Smith, and to make them suffer for it by

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