The Pros and Cons of Postponing Childbearing

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The trend to postpone childbearing has resulted in many children having older parents. What do you see as advantages and disadvantages for these children? What benefits and problems might result for parents being older?

Advantages for children:

-their parents are more relaxed

-their parents have more money

-their parents are wiser and can teach them more about life

Advantages for parents:

-they have the means to support the kids

-they don't have to miss out on the fun of being young

-they are ready to settle down

-they are more patient and relaxed with the children

-they will have someone to take care of them when they are old

Disadvantages for children:

-their parents are old and less energetic

-their parents do not related as well with them as if they were younger

-they may be embarrassed of their parents being old, especially during adolescence

-their parents may die and get sick before the children are mature enough to deal with it

-they probably wont get to know their grandparents

Disadvantages for parents:

-Retirement might not be as relaxing

-their health may fail before they are done raising their children

-their children may be embarrassed of them

Write a brief letter to a new parent in which you describe information about games to play with the baby which will reveal the perceptual abilities of the baby. Base your games

on current research and tasks from the Brazelton Scale.

Dear New Parent,

Based on current research and tasks from the Brazelton Scale, I would like to recommend games to play with your new baby. These games will reveal the perceptual abilities of the baby. Read books to the baby with simple black and white pictures. Repeat the book checking the baby's responses to your voice and the pictures in the book. Have a rattle for the new baby. Play with the rattle and check the baby's response to the rattle. Reading a story to the baby will also check its response to inanimate visual and auditory stimuli. Play peek-a-boo with the baby. This will test the defensive movements of the baby (place your hands over the baby's eyes as well). As the baby grows older, you can read more visually stimulating books. Eventually, you need to let your baby make its own gaming decisions.

Plan a one-week school lunch program for young children based upon information presented in Chapter 6.


Grilled Chicken, (skinless and boneless)

Baked potato (free of butter and sour cream)

Green beans or broccoli

Skim milk or chocolate skim milk

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